Separate names with a comma.
Thanks for your feedback. There is a later version of the Spoofer which I like to call 'Switch Enabled' and has a SPST switch in the sesnsor lead...
Vincent, I did some more poking around on the one I bought and this is what I see: a. A ISO 1050 CAN PHY for the CAN Bus which is terminated in...
There are 3 ECT Spoofers installed in Gen3 'test' cars and from the feedback or lack of feedback recieved they are working as intended. I cannot...
The mini vci devices from the East use a FTDI USB2.0 interface to a NXP Cortex(x) MCU driving a HS CAN and MS CAN Ports on the DLC3. The LIN Port...
I do not think that you should ignore it till spring with it banging around for the next months as this IMHO could be causing extra wear on the...
Seriously, I HAD a similar problem with my 2008 . Recently we had a cold snap followed by cold very rainy 4 days followed by an few days of cold....
I had a similar sound on my 2008 but the guys took off when I opened the hood and I could hear them ' yucking' when they went.
The 'HYBRID' function that programmed in at SETUP time is supposed to extend the 'wait-to-sleep' to span EV intervals and may have gone bonkers...
If my job goes the way I think, I may have to log around 800 mi/week next year. Priidash2 is set to log a lot of miles.
Not sure where in CA you live, but King Tides in Newport Beach?
I have a 08 with 123KMi on the clock which I bought with 85KMi and I am mildly concerned also as to when the HV will fail but more from the...
I have encountered MAF out of range too high, but on a different car. Changing the 'air handler' at anytime means that the mass air flow curve...
Thanks for the list of vehicles that use the sensor under discussion. Their seems to be a wide range of engine capacities. Your list indicates...
<<I wasn't disconnecting the 12v battery during installation which is why the ECU wasn't 'relearning' - since the installation of the new setup,...
Yes I did and I replied to it.
Great install pictures ! thanks for posting them. The faster flashing heartbeat LED will indicate when the ICE temperature is being Spoofed....
Thanks for your support usnavystgc.
I use PayPal so if you could send me your e-mail address I could send you an PayPal Invoice. Shipment will be by USPostal. ccdisce.
People, Thanks for posting you observations, in the 20 months that I have run the Spoofer I have not observed the P1116 Code but I believe it...
It may be possible to shorten the warmup cycle by not drving too fast to the station exit.