Separate names with a comma.
I do not mean to change the direction of this thread. The Priidash 'shareware' does some battery monitoring so you may want to check into the PC...
Thanks a potential customer wanted to know.
Could you post a pic of the Boot you used?
Cut the guy some slack, and while you are at it I need some myself. In my line of work I have to deal with 4 'manuals' 1. Simplified reduced...
Check stealth_mode may...
Did you run the cable into the passenger compartment? If you did so could you post a picture of the Rubber Boot/Grommet you located on the...
Loading is Good and so is Efficiency. A Screen capture from Priidash. I have not seen such a high MPG in a while especially after my afternoon...
The ECT_Spoofer uses a Microprocessor and 1/10w and 1/16w res, Pics are on PC
The ELM clones and probably even the genuine ELM article may not power down so I would be careful. An alternative is a unit that uses the...
If you have a PCLaptop PriiDash is interesting.
Ok I will give the 'atcsm0' sw a test this afternoon. I plan on testing the ELM327 r1.4b prototype in the 'atma' mode this morning at 500k uart...
The ELM327 r1.4b executes the ATMA command ( monitor all/silent mode- no ACK ) the same as the ELM327 r1.3 based clones. A new command has been...
You may want to visit Elm Electronics and do a bit of reading. Others including the vauted STN11xx could be Licensed.
Could you add 5th mode AT CSM 0 That the the ELM1.4b requires. Thanks.
I tried the split pairings earlier also but it did not work then.
I have a clone from ebay here that accepts the following commands at 38400baud atpp 0c sv 08 atpp 0c on atz power cycling does not help but stays...
Are you running the UART interface at 2Mbaud?
I am not sure why it is difficult to change from drive F: to drive E:. But you should be able to change the Drive E: to Drive F: using the...