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Oakland County | FBI searching for pair of bank robbers | The Detroit News
If you can''t pay for a car in three to three-and-a-half years, you can't afford the car, period. This isn't the same as being able to afford the...
If you need to take a six-year note to buy a car and you can't make a down payment, then you can't afford the car.
I don't want to buy until late fall -- there's no reason what I have won't go through another summer/fall just fine -- but thanks for the...
Many thanks. I want to by some Hankook Optimo 727Hs before the snow flies; this sill bee good information to keep handy. BTW, I notice that tire...
If the 12V battery is the original one, it is likely toast. You either need a dealer replacement or the Optima 12V battery favored by many on this...
That was probably it, then. It wouldn't be the first time I did something stupid. Come to think of it, it probably wasn't the first time I did...
I don't think so. Would that have stopped the cruise control from working? Things have gotten stranger. I noticed the problem Saturday. I didn't...
FWIW, everything else in the car seems to be working just fine.
I noticed today that my cruise control quit working. Car has about 58K miles, the "cruise" light comes on when the button on the end of the switch...
In a Prius, it's best to think of "air conditioning" as exactly that -- a device and a process that will heat or cool the air, as well as reduce...
Thanks for the heads-up. Mine will be replaced Thursday.
My mechanic (I'm not a DIY guy for this kind of stuff) did it a couple days ago for me in about an hour. Elearnaid shipped the Optima directly to...
I bought my Prius new in May 2007. I replaced the 12V battery with an Optima Yellowtop this morning. This was an act of preventative maintenance....
Mine works just fine in the snow levels we get in southeastern Michigan -- but I made the dealer swap out the Goodyear Integrity O/E tires for...
There are many here who would disagree with that statement. The main battery works most efficiently at temperatures where humans are...
See the "sticky" thread at the top of the Gen II Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting section called "What Services You Need and What You...
I tool my Prius in for an oil change and a tire rotation today. While waiting, I strolled through the showroom and noticed a used 2009 Prius all...
Do you reset the average for each tank? If you don't, it may take a while -- perhaps a long while -- to see any changes.
What tire pressures are you running? The Prius, IIRC, has a suggested pressure of 35 psi front and 33 psi rear. Many Pris drivers increase that,...