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Welcome and Great purchase!
There is no v 4 as of yet.
You would be better off getting a 2008 or 2009 with even a few more miles in my opinion. You should be able to get one with 90-110,000 miles for...
Time to get this thread active again. Who has hit 100,000 or getting close? I only have 5400 miles on my car.
I can't wait to go to big bear when I get to LA next in January! My car does great with Michelin X-Ice Xi3 and has been through a 40" storm and a...
I love these kinds of threads. Palmer , I am going to start to follow this thread. You are a pioneer for us gen 3 owners.
awesome price! congrats!
Congrats on your new ride! it looks awesome!
$50 off scanguageII at Through 10/31/13. Use code DOW42.
got 5-7" last night. 3" on highway driving home last night on county road. Worst thing was the other traffic. Michelin X-Ice Xi3 handled it...
its still available at tire in the usa.
I have a Prius HB, so I mounted tires that would be different from what you need.
The absolute best (IMHO) is the Michelin X-Ice Xi3. I installed a set a week ago before Winter Storm Atlas. We had 36+ inches in Spearfish. Tires...
Why gamble? Just like in Poker, 4 of a kind ALWAYS beat 2 pair. If you only have snow tires on the front, you can lose traction on the rear and...
great first tank!
It must be your imagination, but if it works for you , awesome!
I think what they mean is that the tread wear on Michelins is more resistant to wear than the Blizzak. There is a 40,000 mile tread warranty on...
ended up with 36-40" total. will see if i can get some pics.
26 " so far and another 8 - 16 " predicted before the snow stops tomorrow at about noon.