Separate names with a comma.
Nice shots! I'm a photographer, but I didn't get to take anything as interesting as seagulls yesterday (well, at least not as interesting to...
Before you decide who outgives, you have to determine - are you going per capita? sheer dollar amount? percentage of income? The Christian...
I ran over a pigeon once. It was sick, just sitting behind my front tire. It didn't move, even when the car engine started - it was a 1997...
There are actually quite a few organizations that are non-religious/non-Christian that help the needy. The Red Crescent is quite active in the...
Unfortunately, the tactic they chose just made a lot of people say "gee, those Christians sure are @ssholes!" Whatever happened to shining your...
But there is a time and place for making their views known. If you don't like a Hindu leading prayer in the Senate - take it up with the Senate!...
But Godiva, it doesn't matter what the Wiccans say they believe! If the Christians say that Wiccans are Satanists...they are. It doesn't matter...
So freedom OF religion is fine so far as it's a good Christian prayer. But when it's a nice Hindu guy doing a nice Hindu prayer, we need freedom...
I am a photographer in the Phoenix area. I have a colleague whose nephew died this past week when he ran into a light pole while riding his...
So would you have a problem with someone delivering a similar message for another religion in a peaceful manner at the local Christian church?...
You can see video of the disruption at this link. The group that disrupted it gave a press release. Amazing how people are so in favor of...
We had the CR bottom line price info when we bought in May and we ended up paying about $300 over that. It's true that it's a sellers market...
I just heard on the news today that the sale of consumer goods was down for June, and the largest sector that was off was car sales. So it's not...
I am sure it has to do with the self-selection of survey respondents. The only way the could really get accurate numbers is to find ALL the Prius...
Trader Joe's and Sprouts farmers market are the places in AZ where you'd see two Prii. Although there is someone around the block from me who has...
So long as people keep insisting on getting the same performance they get from their ICE-powered cars, we will see manufacturers continue to...
The defective part has been in a few different articles, including the AP feed that many sources are using: "The document said that Orthodox...
It made me sad to see this. After JPII made strides towards working with those who weren't back to this. It's great to believe...
This is so true!!! I just don't get why people don't understand the REAL Jesus - he was a white guy with long blond hair, and he only spoke...
If Fox has over 50% of the audience, we really are in trouble. Here's why: