Separate names with a comma.
Most Prius drivers in Ireland tend to be well.....old!! and tend to drive embarrassingly slow and i honestly think they wouldn't/couldn't...
I'd use the Toyota filter,i believe the Part No is 90915 YZZF2
I recently had one of my injectors replaced and up to then the first pip would disappear at around the 160km mark,i was reluctant to post until...
Not sure about other uses for whey,but Maxol still produce E5,which is in all unleaded supplied at their network of petrol stations nationwide....
When you do get the wheel off....and you will with a little sweat maybe,anyhoo,before you put it back on,use a wire brush to clean off around the...
Hi zen, It wasn't made from crop,it was made from whey,a by-product from the cheese making industry,which is a fairly big industry in Ireland,the...
Here in Ireland,the company that produced E85 [Maxol] has now ceased production due to the Gov't excise duty derogation finishing on...
At the lowest setting on my 06,i can't see the glare on the windscreen and i work nights all the time and it would be something that would wreck...
Its it's yis gits!!
Changing the air filter on a Gen 11 would/should not interfere with the MAF Sensor unless something was dropped down where the sensor sits,I had a...
So is it that your dash display dimmer switch is not working at all,[the button beside the clock on the dash]or is it that it's not dimming the...
Finally,problem solved,new injector,running like new again!!
Thanks too!!
Well the injectors were swapped around and indeed the misfire moved to No 2 cylinder,so new injector and hopefully good for another 345,000km!!
That's true Patrick, As i've said in other previous post,i get along well with the lads in the service dept and we discussed that very point but...
The mechanic said it would take about an hour,hopefully it'll yield some results.....and we'll take it from there.
A newbie...join date 2005!! But yeah,Transaxle fluid and automatic transmission fluid [ATF] are indeed the same thing.
Patrick, That's true,the one that comes to mind in relation to the PCV valve installation on the NA Prius are the wipers,seems like a lotta work,...
uart,if you just pop your bonnet, if it's not covered it'll be staring right at ya behind the last coil nearest the inverter,a small hose with a...