Separate names with a comma.
Well, yeah to all of that, but I think this misses another significant difference. With the CRU hack, you had emails, which are fractured by...
I think you guys are missing the humor in all this. So, we've got an organization, what used to have a big line o' business denying that smoking...
Per Wikipedia: "Verdict: Exoneration or withdrawal of all major or serious charges" "Eight committees investigated the allegations and published...
1) Start clock 2) Open the Google Scholar search page. 3) Search "clouds general circulation model" 4) Pick a random page -- 16. 5) Note that...
Doing two minutes of reading, I found the following. First, these are not new chemicals in the atmosphere. They are not even new in our...
I can have my pick of 4-5 BR 3000 sq. ft. houses in my father's home town in upstate NY, for about $25,000. Because it's economically depressed,...
Check With Climate Scientists for Views on Climate — Letters to the Editor -
Pretty much sums it up for me. Just look at the maps of projected drought. If those projections are anywhere even close to the ballpark, there...
The CBO sources show $100B, over 12 years, for climate and energy research. That includes the kitchen sink, e.g., nuclear power research....
If you can show me how that "$100+ billion" figure was constructed, I'll try to parse out what fraction was for satellites. If there's enough...