Separate names with a comma.
I know I make no bones about it. I have posted on here, and gm-volt about what I consider to be pretty bad gas mileage in the Volt. Is why if I...
Yeah. I will take my chances with my Li-Ion pack anyday over CNG. Being qualified in high pressure gasses for aviation, and know the standards we...
It is weird how you become annoyed by gas engines after driving an EV or PHEV.. With the inlaws in town we wound up using our Prius to show them...
I did go pick up 10 gallons of kerosene with it Monday for our heaters. That got me a lot of stares. Guess I should have taken a photo of that too...
I am unsure how it works with your Tesla (I know you say it has a great heater so I imagine you don't need to "pre-heat"), but pre-heating on...
I think when it comes down to it nearly every company/corporation could be considered crooks. When taking engineering courses when I was working...
To the best of my knowledge that figure is about accurate. GM (the American Government) has invested billions of dollars in the development of the...
Correct me if I am wrong here, but you guys seem to be far underestimating the car? To the best of my knowledge the Li-Ion battery is 3.6kwh, and...
I will tell you guys from first hand experience with the Volt if you are in the 30's with batteries you are fine. I have seen a minimal impact in...
Or just wait for the new Rav4 EV to hit the streets. It is looking to be a good vehicle. Depends on how willing you are to jump from gas to full...
A bicycle is very doable. I put about 3700 miles on mine using it almost exclusively for an entire year to travel back and forth to work (cold...
We got rid of our station wagon for the Prius. We loved the Magnum, but the 13mpg was horrible.. Our small SUV (Trailblazer) went 2nd later on in...
Sadly I think you would defeat the purpose by lugging 2 engines around. Even if you made them both completely out of aluminum the extra weight...
As a side note Hill.. I see you are talking about making a career out of tracking the PiP's usage... IF it is anything like the Volt it will tell...
I could probably make it variable.. I always estimate on the highside, and I just like to have a general idea. I have added a lot of columns to...
I must say that is the biggest misconception to fight. Everyone believes you are tied to the charger. In the PiP or Volt you do not have to charge...
The only thing that GM requires is that I rotate the tires every 7500, and change the oil every 2 years at a minimum.. Does that mean big bad GM...
Right now the main issue is with the NTSB related fires they are looking at a possible re-design. Right now their plan is tentatively to remove...
Interesting. I suck at making spread sheets. So I pretty much google what I am trying to do, and then tinker with it. Is something to do since I...
So I have been contemplating making one of these for awhile, and since I am about to get my power bill I figure now is the time to start so I can...