Separate names with a comma.
87 Octane is what you should use...
Good Post - Love It!!!
May 28, 2008 - $3.89/gal for 87 Octane - State College, PA - where I live.. Driving back from vacation yesterday and stopped to fill up in CT,...
I replaced the OEM Goodyear Integrity tires with Goodyear Comfort Tread all season tires shortly after purchasing my Prius this past March....
Wish it was still $120!!!
Good Article from the Asia Times Friday May 23, 2008 wriiten by By F William Engdahl. This theory or informaiton seems to make a great deal of...
My driving habits and wanting to make sure I get the lowest prices has me filling up when I hit 5 pips left.. Normally that is about 4.5 to 5 gals..
Sate College, Pa - May 21, 2008 - for now still $3.79 and holding.. With oil hitting the $130/barrel price today, I am curious as to how soon it...
jamgolf, I agree with your thought process. After reading the article it was like comparing apples and oranges.. What's the point? As usual,...
Hi OlandoGuy, I orderd mud guards for my 08 Prius from the PC store and received them within 1 week. They are on my car and easy to install....
All I have to say is the Geo was a piece of junk then and is the same now.. If you want some luxury along with cost savings, then the Prius by...
Had mine since Mar 08, pkg 6.. Absolutely love the car and it has benn a good investment for many reasons, gas prices being probably the most...
I chose RED after my very first new car from many many years ago, a 1976 Capri II import.. Also, this was the color my wife wanted and it can be...
May 17 ,2008 - State College, PA - $3.79 for 87 Octane...
May 13, 2008 - $3.75/gal for 87 octane.. State College, PA - Just keeps going up and up and up!!! I wish my salary was increasing like fuel...
Purchased mine in mid March from a local dealer in town, State College, Pa. At that time there were about 8 on the lot with more coming in.. Now...
Ventura: Simple process - Go For It and Don't Look Back!!! Have had an 08 pkg 6 for 8 weeks. Really loving the car!!! Good Luck!!
May 9, 2008 - State College, PA - $3.65 / Gal for 87 Octane!! It went down to $3.59/gal last week when a barrel of oil closed at $112.. Now that...