Separate names with a comma.
Have you looked at the actual spark plugs? You cleaned the MAF sensor, but that doesn't necessarily fix it. Can rob one of your other cars of a...
Obviously you're not gonna put $5 grand into your Prius. There's one ECM on Ebay, I don't know the answer to your questions. Probably Chap knows...
Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy too? Used cars (especially old used cars) are sold as-is. He was really lucky the used car guy gave him the...
Gen 1 Prius's aren't designed to run on only the batteries, and don't have the capacity to do so. Eliminating the gas engine won't allow the car...
Recharge the same way you would on any other car. Gen 2 Pri's require special stuff, Gen 1's do not.
You Finns are all rich aren't you? Why don't you just get a used Tesla?
Can you still get those in California? I hear they're talking about background checks for ammo.
You aren't necessarily on borrowed time. You've driven it for 8000 miles, have they been trouble free? If so, the chances are that a trip to NJ...
Brian in Tucson says that they are available from Rock auto. He also has a set of hard copies for an 02 that he would sell for $100, nice shape...
I know English is your second language, and you do very well. The word you should be using is "Indicator." Root word is "indicate." Inductor is a...
I know English is your second language, and you do very well. The word you should be using is "Indicator." Root word is "indicate." Inductor...
Have you talked to your local dealer? See if they'll do price match with other dealers. Probably will be limited to dealers within a few hundred...
That's the one I was thinking of. My brain seems to be a bit porous these days.
I just checked the dash on the Highlander, it doesn't have an indicator lamp for the fog lights. Sorry. I suppose that would mean that the...
This looks like a heck of a lot of time and work. Don't know how there's any money in doing it for $1600. But it certainly is admirable....
If it's like my 07 Highlander, the wiring is all there. You need to replace the headlight/turnsignal stalk and add a fog light relay to the...
The hazard on not starting new threads! Luckily, you can get a hammer just about anywhere. For beating on car parts, I like an old fashioned...
I have no idea. I've had my pump for about 20 years and never changed the oil. It continues to work as advertised. You might want to check at...
The system on a gen 1 is very conventional. Any R134a that can be used in a non hybrid can be used in your car. I mostly posted the pic to show...