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they hit you so they have to pay, take it to the dealer, body shops use cheap after market parts..demand a dealer repair and a rental while its in...
I used to fix LCD TV's and you can use a heat gun to melt all the solder at once and lift the switch off then drop the new one in, its finding the...
I thought of that but a used one is around 50 bucks, don't want to waste the money, thanks
looking to buy the buttons under the rubber pad on my fob.. anyone know where I can find them or part number.. the lock and unlock buttons are...
seems OK, highway driving uses more gas with the heat or ac is on and the battery will drain quickly in stop and go older 12 volt...
that's fancy I just use the spare tire well as a axillary gas tank, I keep 12 gallons in a trash bag back there and add as needed, 1000 miles per...
dirty throttle body weak fuel pump bad gas lost a wheel weight bent a rim bad transmission bad motor mounts front end out of alignment clogged...
I never go over 350 miles, I give myself a 40 buffer to find the next gas station, no I don't trust the float in the tank on a 10 year old car, I...
sounds like the blinker fluid is getting low causing the battery to electroplode.. I would look on craigs list for a local person to rebuild the...
maybe they have a similar service down there, just tossing out an idea for them
if you are in America join triple A plus, I think its $125.. wait a week then call and tell them you lost the ONLY key fob and they will send a...
this might be late but why are you replacing injectors? you can have them cleaned and the odds of all 4 going bad at once is slim to none they...
look at youtube for plug changing videos ...pretty basic
should be worth 1500 on craigs list, a used gas motor isn't that expensive
my 05 was going through a qt every 1000 miles, changed the pvc valve and now it uses next to none
with the age and miles id be looking for a used motor on ebay or junk yards, changing things like air filters and belt and fuel injectors is basic...
lease never made sense to the end you have nothing to show for your investment, not even a ride home and they always find some way to...
I got an Optima yellow top from Advance auto for the same price as they sell at on line stores of $147.00, I went to their website and used the...
if the cat is gone your check engine light should come on, with the gas motor running do you feel the exhaust coming out of the pipe at the rear...
I have seen them on craigs list for around $500 and my thoughts are 1) if it worked Toyota would offer it for sale at double the price 2) if its...