Separate names with a comma.
Patrick, on the upper seat there is a notch that must match with notch on the shaft. From looking at the pictures, you didn't even have to...
That is the way my car has been for the last 90K miles. No issues. I am closing on 225K now. You will surpass 300K. Mine burns a quart every...
Does anyone have the part # on those washers?
I replaced was a simple job of removing three bolts. The mount wasnt torn or anything. It didnt make a whole lot of difference in terms...
What did you end up doing? Left it without changing? What was the estimate?
Which mount is the one you removed?
Ya am pretty sore from my attempt the other day. Will try to give it another try by lifting the engine once i recover. If you know which mount i...
Yes, way more than I am willing to put in. I might try unscrewing one of the bolts on that side to see if it can lower it enough. 209K...the...
Wow you are right... Step 17. DISCONNECT FRONT SUSPENSION CROSSMEMBER SUBASSEMBLY This has to be just shitty engineering. Just too much to...
If anyone need access to the the Toyota TIS repair manuals, shoot me a message. I got it today but was no help to me. I can PM you access info....
Did just that. Makes no mention of this issue. It says the procedure is the same for both left and right side. I didn't have this issue with...
So I decided to change my lower control arms today. Thought it would be a 3-4 hour job. Well, I wasted my whole day disassembling and assembling...
I have a feeling cars from the north east and cold nice person climates, do a lot better in terms of battery longevity. Mine was bought from NJ and am at...
Is that an item that is suppose to commonly fail?
Because I don't feel it worth the trouble of working on it to fix something that is most likely working fine. Like I said if I am changing plugs...
About 1qt every 3k miles. It doesn't bother me and like stated seems to be very standard on the priuses. I will check it when I do plugs in...
Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Valve | YourMechanic Advice
By the symptoms of a bad PCV valve...if toyota doesn't recommend changing it, not gona touch it.
That's what I was thinking. I am not even going to bother taking it out. Pain in the nice person to get to... was reading something that it was a 60K...
Is the PCV valve a must routine replace item? My prius burns oil but that seems to be pretty standard for 200K prius. Do I need to replace the...