Separate names with a comma.
OMG! Well first I am not a "Lawyer" but I watch them on TV. :) And I was "trying," to help you set up a good small claims case against them for...
Aww I know, and I feel for you man. But it really sounds like you were screwed? And right now for all you know all the car needs is a real HV...
Full Coil Overs are for the most part, wayyy OverKill for a Prius? Most (Coil Over Kit's) come with Adjustable Camber Plates, so they allow you to...
Well yeah my master Plan A. Is indeed pretty elaborate. But in Small Claims Court, it would provide proof, that they did not change that battery...
Ok clearly you got "Screwed!" There is just "No Way," they replaced the original battery with a New OEM Battery or even a good refurbished one?...
What is the warranty on there engine/work? And it sounds like that is a "Hybrid Shop," that you have found? Do they have any former client's that...
Most likely the engine is toast? If it overheated enough to stop? Then it could having bearing and or cylinder wall damage? Not to mention a...
How long have you had it and is the VSC light activating? Japanese cars are extremely aggressive with "traction control," especially from a dead...
Well where is your EGR valve located? It's either under the hood Gen 3 or by the cat and water cooled Gen 4.
In Ca. the warranty should be 10 years and 150000 miles, for emission related components and that includes the HV battery.
It could be the rear hatch area? Sometimes the carpet cover, can move just enough, that the hatch can close but it can still "jam up," the SKS.
LOL V8 and a distributor? Most likely no one under 50? Has no idea? But I do. And in as much as I will be getting back into this crap again with...
Time will tell but the Gen 4 changed the piston ring's and moved and water cooled the erg valve on the Gen 4. One has to "assume," that Toyota did...
Agree like for like is not a big deal. But that is not how the OP started this thread, just saying.
Oh yeah it's the Real Deal. :) It was,a tailgating A-Hole in a pick up truck! I was doing 70 and moved over to let him by and he moved behind me...
LOL, sigh with my 89, 951 Turbo S (modded) it is still down, but with that one, I could blow away A-Holes SUV's at 85 mph with ease (it launched...
Honestly to see the low oil level warring light on a Gen 2, takes a truly criminal level of engine abuse? Any sane person, would never see it?...
Yeah I have to agree. I was trying. :) I'd just replace the pump (anyway) and move forward ... sometimes, "Wack A Mole Works." :)
Sigh, well that is an annoying PIA! But I have a few Plan B's! :) Pull the fuel rail put a paper or rag down and see if the injectors spray as...
A possible viable explanation could be the timing is 180 degrees out? TDC on the compression stroke and TDC on the exhaust stoke, would both have...