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Six7390GT, I am not aware of any other coupon codes at this time. However, future codes will be announced on our Facebook page and special offers...
usbseawolf2000, as drees mentioned, reduced internal resistance allows for improved performance. Also, an Optima's round cells, high-grade...
David, I am not involved in sales at all, but serve in more of a pro-active customer service capacity on message boards and as a content generator...
Hi duffasauraus, Just so I can make sure everything is functioning properly on our end, did you enter the coupon code when you originally placed...
M8s, I don't know why our batteries were not included in Consumer Report's testing. I took a look myself and couldn't find them either, although...
johnmaci, I'm sorry to hear about the problems you've been having with your battery. What were the circumstances surrounding your issues and did...
Hello, I noticed your conversation regarding our batteries and wanted to offer some assistance. glennhl, even if one battery is five pounds...
Presto, we are working on shipping options for Canadian customers. I know they didn't activitate it initially, because of the cost, but they are...
Hello, I noticed your conversation regarding our batteries and wanted to offer some assistance. hill, Prius owners have been on our radar for...
harley114, I'm sorry to hear about the problems you had with your battery and I'd like to help. I assume you still have the battery now? If so,...
Hi Bob, Unfortunately, we do not offer vented boxes or other accessories for our batteries and cannot “officially†recommend products...
Hello, I noticed your conversation and wanted to offer some assistance, especially to baja454, who just purchased one of our batteries. Although...
F8L - There are 3 simple tests that will give a good indication of the health of your battery. 1) Does the battery charge to a good voltage?...
Hi F8L, I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble and I’d like to help. If your battery has been discharged to the point where it needs a...
Hello, I saw some confusion regarding our batteries, which I hope I can help clarify. Although our batteries are “sealed,†it is important that...