Separate names with a comma.
A quick update which I should have made long ago...the gentleman who suggested that the steel key within my new FOB could be cut at Walmart very...
Holy moly! That's crazy awesome! Nicely done!
What I want to know is how you get 57 miles to the gallon! Wow! FIFTY-SEVEN??? Very cool!
Hidden storage tray on the front??? Gotta go out and look! Sounds like more Prius fun! :-)
Thanks for the great suggestion, uart! Have a great weekend.. Julia
friends. This morning I have been searching threads for far too long and still have not come up with an answer to an issue I'm hoping to...
Nope. Not yet. But I'm working on it. It still reads 11.9 and I still wish I'd kept my old battery!
THANK YOU, uart! ;-)
No, thank you. :-)
Wow that's amazing! I'm still getting at best between 43 and 44. Crummy by comparison!
It does? Higher inflation makes hydroplaning LESS likely? Is this true?
I paid 155 for a brand new key fob (with the SILVER LOGO on the back...very important), and programmed all features including SKS successfully...
Thank you! I will drop them down to 40 and 38 today.
I want to thank you ALL very, very much for these enlightening and informative responses. I really appreciate all of this information. My...
Good evening, friends. I have read numerous times within this forum that it is ideal (for optimal mileage, I believe) to have the front tires of...
Phenomenal post! Thank you so much! Now do the other side, please. :LOL: Just kidding! Wow, this is really wonderful, SageBrush. What a...
Thank you very much, Sage. I hadn't thought of that. I appreciate the suggestion. They might not be that friendly, though. They seem to be a...
Thank you very much. It's very kind of you to offer the suggestion. I think I have read on this forum, however, that if you have fog lights on...
Thank you! I'm planning to change all four bulbs...two in the tail lights and the two headlights, based on everything I've read here in threads...
Wow! Cool! (y)