Separate names with a comma.
How long did your tires last?
If you don't have far to go before the next stop, just don't accelerate that much then.
Why is there no "EV" indication when your ICE is off?
Press the "Off" button?
Would have bought.
My 2012 was manufactured in 9/2012 and it is well after the Iwate #2 VIN.
I have had those for about a year and have not experienced any problems at all.
The guide warns to cover up the airbag assembly. What are the chances of triggering an airbag deployment while taking the cover off?
I had a problem playing music from an 3rd Gen iPod nano. Every two days or so when I was changing tracks, the screen was show a scrambled image...
Can you export this layout for us somehow? Upload a compressed copy of your .torque folder?
Does driving in B mode = no regen in this car?
Is there a record for highest MPG with lowest EV%? I do mostly highway driving. I also spent over two hours on this tank just sitting in the car...
Regular gas? E10 is standard here in CA. I heard the difference on MPG should be 3%.
I have the same setup and I do not have the problem.
Navigation prompts are usually so brief that I don't think the system would be fast enough to switch sources and still play you the direction...
Looks like the one from an IS 300.
It all depends if there are cars behind you or not.