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I use a nylon trash bag that hangs under the headrest (& in the lap of a rear passenger); fastens w/ velcroed straps. You drive around MD w/ your...
Speed limit is 55 mph, curves and mountain grade cause lower speeds so average was about 45-50 mph. The indicated mph in the display seems really...
Just did an 80 mile trip (one way) using ECO mode there (63.4 mpg) and normal mode w/ AC coming back (51 mpg) so I say there is a diference! By...
I would like daytime driving lights - start vehicle, lights come on - and brighter red (other?) color(s) on displays - simply can not see some of...
Hold both open & lock buttons on remote for approx. 5 seconds UNTIL you hear two sets of two beeps - 4 beeps. Repeating this will revert back to...
Did mom happen to read the August issue of Consumer Reports, page 63, regarding the Honda Insight? :o
Don't know about that comparrison but have you seen Consumer Reports, August '09 issue, p. 63? This has a full page writeup on the honda Insight...
Have you pressed on the trip button several times? I found that it brings up more data along the bottom of the particular display being viewed.
I had a somewhat similar experience today at a gas station. Shut the car off while waiting for a pickup in front of me filled up. Started the...
OH NO . . . a one gallon wine jug, 3/4ths empty layed over on its side coming home from a dinner party last night and the metal cap leaked!!!...
My '06 HiHy picks up speed going down a grade w/ or w/o cruise control and the B is marginally acceptable. The GenIII will actually slow down...
Yep! Looks like a plastic. []Just leave the dead bugs on the car and you will never notice any scratches. :D[] I'm beginning to wish I had...
:oAm I the first GIII owner to get a rock chip on the hood of my 2010 Prius? The chip is ~ 1/16" w X 1/8" h located about 8 inches above the...
Don't we all[IMG] [IMG] BUT lately (as I get older[IMG][IMG]) I find more and more often when I gawk at the scenery going by I have a slight...
Well we are getting no response to this thread. Sure wish some of you experts w/ a lot more experience than myself would comment on this. We are...
I purchased the most recent of my older vehicles in CA just last summer; then as in the past the car was delivered to me just across the border in...
. . . or to Oregon! No sales tax and beautiful country - check out the pics below.:eek::o:rolleyes:
Have you by chance communicated w/ TempusFugit? He lives in the Lewiston area and has extra Bisque carpet floormats he is willing to sell at 50% off!
Yep, just spotted that redish purple band you describe, one week into driving my IIIBlueII. It did seem to come and go! Haven't a clue what it...