Separate names with a comma.
you have to be stopped to be able to send or read the messages. You can read the first few words only while moving.
Try Settings /Bluetooth / and on the bluetooth screen you sound see Device underneath. On your device list there is a blue arrow, click that. you...
Thanks a million!
I did something with my savings cost settings. Now when I drive and then come to an end of my trip it no longer tells me the TOTAL Cost for the...
What does the B stand for and what does it do Under the D- Drive gear? I have not been able to find this in the manual. Sorry if this is a dumb...
Thank you Dopey5007. I look forward to seeing what you get. I am open to other ideas. I like the idea of the go pro so I can use it for shooting...
i had the same problem, it seems to be in a very hidden place and its easy to accident switch!
The Go Pro 3 has a remote I can enable with my iphone. I could possibly mount it somewhere and hit record before I drive which is not a big deal...
The dash cams I've seen al need To be plugged into a power supply. I dont want a wire coming down to the power . Not hidden Enough for me
I am thinking of installing/mounting some time of camera to record my driving incase of an accident or police injustice. I am considering some...
Thanks guys, I'll just use a USB cord because I am a poor man.
Thanks, I swear I had it working without a USB cord but perhaps I am mistaken.
Darn, I have to pay money for that thru AT&T. Hotspot? thats nuts
How do you get your phone to show the text messages in the NAV? I cannot get this to work. I am I have an iphone 4S IOS6. Are you using the USB...
Confused, can some please clarify for me. I am using an iphone 4s IOS6. on my Prius C 3. To access the internet without a USB cord, what do I need...
I can't get my phone to connect to the internet without connecting with a USB cord. Is this possible? I've tried everything! Please help.
I cant get it to work either. It works with the usb cord but not without it connected with cord. I found this link but it does not work for me,...
Thanks! :)
Do you have your ECO mode button pressed or go without?
RocMills how are you getting 90? That blows my mind. I am getting average 50-55. I did get a 74.4 yesterday, with not a lot of traffic at the time...