Separate names with a comma.
Sometimes it's hard to get to the eighth bar. At that point, your're probably at 75%+ SoC. SoC is an approximation based on many factors, and it...
Dealer charge to replace a battery is typically 3000-3200. Get a quote and make the shop match it or tow it to the dealer.
Sounds like it worked. You probably pulled a little less current towards the end of the test due to the lower temps. Assuming you lost a minute...
Battery failure may or may not allow it to be driven. You should ask for the trouble codes. $3,750 is akin to wallet rape. It may or may not be...
I'm sorry to hear that. It's an all too common occurrence. I would encourage you to try the 3rd. Thank you for following up.
Not sure why your're asking that question. The 0.3% replacement rate is for 2009 model year as of 2013. That's 4 years. We're talking about...
As of 2013 CR survey, 0.3% of 2009 Prius needed a new battery: Ignore the title of this article It is very reasonable to expect a comparable...
And fumes only occur with rapid or excessive over-charge. The 12V load is very low, and the Prius is pretty gentle with its recharge. Vent-hosed...
This is not something to be rushed, and subsequent cycles can be done at other times. You realistically need up to 72 hours to thoroughly...
Note that there is no Toyota prescribed maintenance for the HV battery. It could fail at any time. Assuming it meets all the criteria, you should...
Ah... you're doing it the hard way. Disassembly: Remove bus bars Disconnect inlet air temp sensor from far end of pack. Remove ECU bay (3 nuts...
Terminal leaks are due to 1) manufacturing defects, 2) nut over-torque, 3) blow-off valve failure. The battery health test did not cause the...
Skip the parallel. It's worthless.
No worries. Your car. If you're okay with doing it again in the near future, so be it. BTW, MERGED, .. you're also likely setting yourself up...
I prefer data to "generally". SD factors in very quickly. The initial drop from 100% SoC over just 24 hours is pretty significant. It's...
IIRC, he's using a 30 minute wait following a charge. Since SD isn't coming into play, it's pretty easy to get at or above rated capacity if the...
Why the emphasis on the charge capacity? Charge capacity basically means nothing. Stop cycling when your discharge capacity stops improving....
A/C use seems to throw another variable in there. When I'm using my A/C, at steady cruise, I will always show charging the battery at 5-6 bars....
The battery is a wear item. They degrade with use. Period. You need to think of them as tires, but with a much more difficult to predict...