Separate names with a comma.
In practical application, N is 1/3 the speed of USB 2.0 and AC is 2X the speed of USB 2.0.
Techstream 10.something Windows 7-32bit Cheap Amazon acquired MiniVCI I experience nothing like what you describe. I have occasional...
Per the OP's previous post, these issues occurred within 5 minutes of taking possession of the car. After more consideration, I would encourage...
Correct. The 12V should be disconnected for nearly the entire process. Once I have secured the pack base to the body and completed all the...
In order: No. Yes.
5 minutes later is an important detail. If you already provided that, please accept my apologies. ALWAYS check oil though... :) I concur that...
Wouldn't let me update the original post... UPDATE: 4/28 is here. My apologies to the owner as I had intended to have this posted before he...
Hmm. And they say the U.S. is excessively sue-happy. You bought a car 20K from the end of its design life for only 3K, and you think the previous...
It was reliable and had a low cost of ownership when you consider the first 170K miles. A car near its end of design life is likely to experience...
For the lower discharge rate of the 250W, I'd do whatever is most convenient. If all your modules have been discharged, just input 2000mAh @ 20A....
That is my experience. I still have a strong preference for the target voltages, but I'm willing to compromise if convenience demands it. The...
Glad to hear it. If possible conduct the discharge test in my signature. If you have techstream, record and upload the file. Getting a baseline...
Good luck.
It may last to the end of the street or for months. You have no idea. Confirmation of a bad HV battery, much like diagnosing anything on anay...
Everything but the bolded part. In a Prius compressor you put only "pure" R-134a and the ND-11 or compatible compressor oil. Interdynamics makes...
First, you should go educate your parts store guy before he screws anybody else over. In response, in order. Likely. If not already, than soon....
LOL... anything reasonable works. Generally, my recommendations are particular to the equipment used, and it's usually a variation on the same...
To be frank, I have unintentionally run packs down to 1.2-10.0V w/25W bulbs with no measurable issues. I'm of the opinion that once the minimum...
Bad battery Then ask him why he's not replacing it under warranty... :) Because he is full of the lyings!
Since we're dealing with an "or more" situation, I would compliment the above with the addition of the appropriate amount of fuel stabilizer....