Separate names with a comma.
It is after sitting for some time; however, with a constant float charge of 13.8V or higher, the 12V will typically be over 13 shortly after...
12.7V fresh after driving? Feels low. check in the morning under the hood at the jump connection points. Record some driving with techstream to...
Did you miss the smiley? :D Based on the condition of the battery, I don't think the car will start even if everything is perfect. A full...
Just saw the email notification. Thought I'd come back in case there was any question as the to recommended course of action. I feel I should...
Please stop f**king trying to start the car. What part of "0% state of charge" did you not understand? Your traction battery is now BELOW 0% SoC....
Bad traction battery. "hissing" is the battery cooling fan running at full blast. Confirm by reading codes. Code reading options in my signature.
If you're a lefty, it's okay to flip the working/pocket hand. Bolded for truth!
12V is the small battery in the back passenger-side corner. To check it, pop your hood before bed. In the morning, without activating the car in...
Does the noise vary with engine speed? Does it exhibit the same behavior if you engage the maneuver in neutral? Based on your description, I too...
Code reading options in my signature.
Because the latch was dented with the hood. You're trying to latch an undented hood into a dented latch. The way you described it says the dent...
I didn't miss a "go to" place. I would ask anyone that has recently purchased modules from sellers to post their auction link and results. If...
As described above any reasonably insulating gloves will work. I mean, it's ~220V. You can touch ANY part of the battery you want... with one...
The grid charger is easiest mode. If you don't have any failed modules, and you have relatively tight deltaV except near the bottom of the SoC...
Never worn 'em.
Whew... well, that's good and bad. 14.45 is dead, but not door-nail dead. The pack is at 0% state of charge. The good news is that if you grid...
Holy Crap. First, your current was only a touch low. You averaged 14.1A for the duration. Second... Holy Crap again... You extracted 2477mAh...
Are you saying all the blocks are at 7.45V? BLOCKS? 7.45V * 14 = 104.3V total? If that's the case, then you need to get a grid charger on the...
For whatever reason, I am unable to open your file. I can still open your last one. When previewed from the file open dialogue, the VIN is...
Kudos to you for making it. The 1000W is enough and is kinda easy mode. You can finish the discharge at about 13A consistently. It will do this...