Separate names with a comma.
Come on guys, ethanol is carbon neutral. Can't anyone see that's a good thing? The western world using E85 would seriously slash carbon...
I thought about changing my tyres after 11k miles, for some quieter or better rolling ones. Tyres in the Prius size though seem to be for the...
Yeah, we did some modernising. On most of the world actually :P Don't get me started... ;)
Not everyone who drives a Prius thinks they're the most environmentally friendly person ever. We just do our bit when it comes to car choice. Of...
I've found the same thing. I think it works like this: If the driver summons more torque, current flows from the battery to supply it. If the...
Are the people running 44/42 the same ones that are complaining about the handling and ride of the stock tyres? My car on my local roads is awful...
If you live in a rural part of the world, and not in a city, surely the concentration of NOx produced by your community would be so low as to not...
What about national records? I claim the UK record at 537 miles per tank :) The furthest I've ever driven on one tank of fuel - by a slim...
Do US cars come configured with softer springs than their European alternatives? I'm wondering, because I've never had a problem with driving in...
He does have to pay fuel yes. but he can afford it. Interestingly, it's an older BMW and he bought cash, so his fuel is probably less than my...
Only that's not working, is it, because CO2 levels are on the up and up and we're cutting down trees like they're going out of fashion. Not so...
I tried 42/40 and it was awful. Car skipped around on bumpy roads and the ride was rough and noisy; and the interior was much more prone to...
Wouldnt' you be better off with a portable DVD player in the glovebox? It'd be easier to view for the passenger and less visible if not invisible... Interesting. Doesn't mention FE though, but wouldn't an increase in HP directly...
No.. Damn, I missed that! Will look for evidence online, cheers :)
So which is more important? Save on CO2 or nitrous oxides and hydrocarbons? I'm thinking, if you live in LA, Mexico City, Athens or some other...
What's important is the CO2 per mile. Diesels are usually much better than the equivalent petrol - have a look on The...
No. The ozone layer is recovering as PA rightly said. Oh and PA, yes he is paying the price with fuel costs but he can afford it, he makes lots...
The car thinks you've travelled less distance than you actually have, if you have bigger wheels. Hence much lower mpg.... surely?
Drive down a hill. EV mode won't work above 34mph or whatever it is because it would draw too much current from the battery and would knacker it....