Separate names with a comma.
Yes, you called me out on this once for mentioning something that had a correlation with reduced coronavirus, but no controlled study had been...
They are now selling this 'Cassette to USB stick' player: Cassette To Digital Converter And Player - Hammacher Schlemmer
Ah Novavax. I can tell you a little about Novavax. They were developing a universal flu vaccine. That's a vaccine that works against many, if not...
So why does coronavirus affect those over 60 so much worse than the young? There is now some indication (not yet proven) that the MMR vaccine may...
This is one of those 'did you plug it in' questions: Did you push the voice button on the steering wheel?
Is mandated masks considered martial law? I guess we've been living under martial law for our entire lives then, because by law you are required...
I got 'air injected' back in 1976 when they were giving the Swine Flu shot to everyone--thinking there was going to be a pandemic. It turns out...
I've heard the theory (medcram on Youtube) that one reason deaths may be dropping a bit even though cases have not is simply because doctors are...
Since around March, I've been watching South Korean news since they always seem so far ahead of much of the rest of the world in their response to...
I had a dentist who had this. I had a sneaking suspicion that he paid for the machine by always finding excuses to put in a crown. "I definitely...
I read an article where the reporter discussed the accuracy of the more established tests compared to low-cost tests (which may not be not so...
That's what the soft-skinned Texans are always telling me. There's an interesting table showing the differences in this website. I wish they had...
Remember when they used to call it Naugahyde? They stopped using it when the Nauganoceros became extinct. Now they use the hide of soft skinned...
I have the basic 2017 (Prime Plus) and I can send destinations to my car. The EnTune App on the phone opens with a search bar 'Where would you...
Ah, I can see how it can read that way, and it better matches the rest of what was said. Sorry for the misreading.
I don't believe that for a second. I'm in my sixties, have high blood pressure (under medicated control), and have had heart disease. Otherwise...
Every year in Wuhan they have an enormous pot luck festival, usually making it into the Guiness Book of World Records. They held it again, this...
I think I got it. Make sure the traction battery is near full and leave it on 'Ready'. The drive-in theater has been there forever. Some...
The first movie theaters they are opening up in this area are drive-in movies. The last time I went to a drive in movie, I had a first generation...