Separate names with a comma.
Obvious choice is hydrogen? I just can't stand it anymore. hydrogen is clean fuel? Again, where does the obvious part fit? Oh, wait, is this...
2005 Toyota Tacoma for sale - not even close!
@UsedToLoveCars: Hey no fair! of course Toyota looks to be in decline to you. You're driving a Tesla! so far out ahead it's not funny....
It's laughable that someone thinks high-end and Hyundai go together. Affordable yes. good on them for raising their 5K prices to 70K. <sarcasm>...
Grandkids breathe the air too. not all EV arguments are financial. And just as true, one seeks the right tool for the job. Knowing the...
Well, Elon does have his acting career to fall back on, if Tesla folds: [MEDIA] I don't see either happening. I, too, am in the Leaf world...
really? that's what u got? and this has what to do with emissions? thanks for the heads up, not. just sad...
nope, just anti-stupid awards. "oooh, look at us, we won an award." and when these silly awards don't help sell cars, ya got to wonder why?...
i didn't think censors would allow the short name of richard to go thru. thus the #$ substitute letters.
Well when your livelihood (Austrailian 'brown'? coal) is part of the Mirai, why not give it an award. <sarcasm>. (Many more articles about this...
People are still swayed with (bad) advertising? huh. I'm usually hitting the mute button and the change channel button. Really? some hot girl...
physics are a kind of gospel. jesus. math, too. thou shalt not break thermodynamics laws. or just ignore them and continue taking tax money...
yep, 10 more years...sounds about right. repeat every 10 years. it is just so bogus. the untruths are really sad. there are so many red flags...
It's worth saying over and over again: the sooner this FCV boondoggle fails the better off everyone will be. Especially if u pay taxes (wait,...
Just like the FCV adage is getting old...'in just ten years..." Such fantasy. Do the laws of physics change in 10 years? what planet will that...
yes, guess who put that together? surprise, surprise. not. Why Hydrogen Cars are Less Efficient Than Electrics - The Green Optimistic Nope,...
oh, sorry about the FCV hold-back. that one's on me. <sarcasm> I will NOT ever promote wasting energy with FCV. it's just stupid. I will,...
Jesus, the delusion continues...
Actually it IS easy to ignore. And millions of drivers are NEVER gonna drive FCV. NEVER. They will and are already choosing BEVs. It's pretty...
End of the week report: no discernible increase in EV miles. To be blunt, no change whatsoever. at all. nothing more. Yes the longish trip...