Separate names with a comma.
I looked for a sticky list but alas it does not exist. Sure would be nice to know if there was someone in my area with this gear. I'm a...
Having unsuccessfully used the search on this forum to find that information, can anyone give me a suggestion on how best to find that...
decided to remove
Or- step out of the car, wait for everyone to get out, hit lock button on inside of door, close door.
Not having any data to support that assertion I can only say that that sounds like a logical hypothesis, though I'm equally open to the...
However, 'the only lever there is' has multiple positions it can be put in and even really experienced drivers make mistakes with that. I...
Which is really just oil and inspection these days, since there generally aren't any fittings to lube these days.
Or the roads in your area.
Even blacking out the back windows presents visibility problems for 2 primary reasons: Limits view into vehicle cabin to front half of vehicle:...
Alternately you could: Pull on the bungie. Press the same button you would press to open the hatch if it was closed. That should work the...
Odds are the roadside assistance would be farmed out to a subcontractor so results could vary. However, if you're getting Toyota's Roadside...
I was once told that changing my own oil would void my warranty and I could no longer get any warranty work or recalls done for free. A...
What gave it away? The cat tail necklace, the face paint or the intestines draped over his shoulders? I suspect that if the guy had just...
The fob button is one answer. Question: if you hit the lock button on the inside of the door and shut the door, does the car stay locked?...
I live in Wisconsin, a place that gets lots of ice and snow and is filled with municipalities that love their salt trucks. Madison, WI loves...
In Wisconsin in January, unless you want to wait till spring to clean the salt off your car, the only rational choice is to find a touchless car...
First the OP needs to define a term: inexpensive. for less than $200 you should be able to acquire any number of good GPS units. I prefer...
I'm with you there. I'ts been years since I drove a car that I wasn't willing to put gas in when I reached half a tank. There's no value in...
Weird, I've never been near a car salesman that had no way to negotiate. I wonder what their strategy for closing sales is.
tangentally related anecdote: A friend of mine once picked me up from the bar (I had a bit too much to drink one night after work) and his 90's...