Separate names with a comma.
Did you consider a PiP? Its ideal for your driving situation. Of course it is a bit pricey.
I don't drive that far. I was told within 10 days of the 2 years. I'll be at about 18,000 miles.
"Dramatically"... that makes me laugh. Most cars have the same shape and very similar designs these days. Back in the 50's and 60's there were...
When you are in EV mode you can use EV to 62 mph if there is enough battery charge. When you are in HV mode it is effectively a standard Prius so...
Of course it depends on how far the battery was discharged. Here are my results where I calculate total battery capacity based on an assumed...
The new ratings seem realistic and compare well with Fuelly averages .
Just drive the car and enjoy the good mileage. Or participate in the complete spreadsheet already established. PIP & MPG Spreadsheet |...
I don't think so. You can full charge the battery in about half an hour going down out of the mountains. It charges a that rate on a regular basis...
Use your right arm/hand its easier that way :)
I did this for a while when I first got my Prius Three. I never did any actual experiments. Now I just use cruise control on flat freeways, you...
I'm 6' long legs . I didn't know there was a problem until I read about here and on other threads :) Small items are easily placed on the back...
And then do it every 6 months or on each 5K miles mark from the previous service?
When the prices go up its the President's fault, any president any party. Well maybe not any party :) When they go down who gets the credit?
Wow all this when the OP was just saying why the Volt was better for his driving situation. I was telling a friend (about the time this thread...
Hi kbeck, That is a fantastically good explanation. I'm going to copy it to give to friends that ask about the Prius. However!!... The Prius is...
Remember, its only illegal if you get caught or so most folks think. A large percentage of the folks in the regular lanes go 10+ mph over the...
Anyone with a test pattern like that is bound to know how things work.:)
I get 52ish mpg on flat freeways. For trips into and out of the Sierra Nevada mountains or other routes with significant hills, I get 62ish mpg...
I pretty much still play the "original game" however on longer trips I often just drive at whatever speed feels good without worrying about mpg.
When I purchased my PiP I put it in ECO mode and it has been there ever since. It works really well for my style of driving as related to...