Separate names with a comma.
Instead of starting a new thread, I will report my brake experience here. This was my first brake job. Was unplanned. I originally wanted to lube...
+ 1, At nearly 100K a year, an engine swap makes the most sense. If the engine is not consuming oil, then consider replacing the head gasket....
This past Winter, I took out the wire mesh wheatie from the OCC to give it more volume. I think it was just as effective collecting contaminated...
Yes, front end and back end have better eye appeal to me. Of course looks are subjective. :D Oh yeah, forgot that the wheel covers are more...
I use a CRC to keep them in check.
Didn't see it coming. Now permanently RIP in the undercarriage frame work. :(
Squeaky clean.
You probably need to use a wire picker to open the ports up first if they are completely clogged. Then either the Oxi-Clean or the pressure wash...
What is the mileage on the replacement engine? Was the EGR System ever cleaned? The EGR System tends to clogged up as the miles pile up. If not...
Got the official Toyota safety recall letter JOV the other day. Had the FW reflash done today. So far no noticable differences yet. :whistle:
Mendel, Thanks for the initial update.
Hey thanks. Keep us posted on your experience.;)
Mendel, What brand of tires did you ended up buying? Were they 17's? Thanks. I will be looking to replace my 17 " Bridgestones soon.
To get at the EGR System, cooler and valve, a lot of the engine componentry has to come off. Also the windshield wiper cowl too. Find a garage...
Does this smart phone app run off a Bluetooth diagnostic module? Thanks.
Absolutely it does! The car is never hot inside after sitting in the sun on a warm Summer day. :) Now at my current employer, I get to park...
That I don't know. Did not inspect my Hikari LED bulbs before installing. Do they look like the Hikari LED light fixtures on the web?
They are plug and play(y)
See my post #34. Hikari Ultra LED headlights.
A boot loader could be capable to receive downloads if equipped. That design will avoid any bricking of firmware. ;)