Separate names with a comma.
Yeah, for how long?! Oil burner at 100K. :eek:
+1 That's what I did.;)
Not yet, but have my hot tub up and running. :cool:
A day at the beach , LOL!
When I cleaned my EGR cooler a year ago, it took over a month to do. This was a spare cooler and value assembly bought on eBay for $85. It was...
MPG's will improve with warmer weather? Non Winter gas usage? Hang in there Mendel!
I bought mine when I lived outside of Seattle. Used it all the time to remove the black plaque. Don't use it so offen in Mass. Some day I will...
Any idea where the OCC will be installed? Have other G4 owners installed OCCs?
Or you can take the OCC fluid collections to the recycling center. :eek:
And the EGR System.
Mostly highway miles, have not observed any MPG decline since the SW upgrade a few weeks ago. MPG seems consistent.:)
I made a U turn once and just barely scraped the lower right corner of the front bumper from the road side curbing. Left a nice dull black stripe...
My original pads after 145K. Replaced both front and back. Also had to replace the right rear caliber slide pins. [ATTACH]
Consider cleaning the EGR System regardless. Avoids major issues ( like head gasket failure) down the road.
2nd that as I found out the hard way LOL. The right rear caliber slide pins were seized on my Prius. Had to bang them out with a large...
It sounds like the EGR System needs to be cleaned. At 232K, it's probably clogged. If you can DIY, clean it, there are many videos on this topic....
It's the 2015 MY that @Mendel Leisk pointed out has both the revised pistons and rings. It's too early to know whether the changes will circumvent...
For what it's worth I own a 2013 with 147K. The car has been well maintained since I got it with 40K, 4 years ago. The engine does not use any...
It probably was... Although I an not the original owner. Yes I was aware of the brake inspection schedule via reading PC. Just procrastinated. :(
Thanks Mendel. Reading your past posts on brake maintenance procedure, I made sure that the X was properly aligned. I followed @NutzAboutBolts...