Separate names with a comma.
I have them installed as low beam only. Still have the halogens as high beam. Don't use high beam often.
I've had great results replacing the standard low beam halogens with the plug and play Hikari LED headlights. Check out bulbfacts for review.;)
Perhaps a bad ground? If you can remove the display system, check and clean all the connections. Good luck
The 2010 model V is equipped with 17 " wheels with less sidewalls to absorb shock and road noise. That alone will make the car ride harsher. The...
Does the C have an EGR? Thought the I read elsewhere that it does not. I could be wrong though.
Also at 120K miles, the plugs will need changing, the coolant fluids for both the engine and inverter need to be changed. If the transmission...
I thought of that too. Definitely a plan B if the part can't be obtained.
Looks like an after market grounds effect kit part. Not a Toyota OEM part. Best bet is to scour the salvage yards for a similar part. Good luck.
You could buy a new EGR valve and EGR Cooler assembly and have your mechanic install it.
Generally auto repair shops won't clean the EGR System. It takes too long to do. Your best bet is to buy a used one off of EBAY, clean it your...
Never heard mine either. Must be awfully quiet. :whistle:
No need to tighten, just drop the OCC housing into the bracket.
I have posted my OCC bracket solution quite awhile ago on this thread. So here is a refresher. Nearly 40K miles since install, the bracket has...
And the ability to vent the interior during bright day light.
Usually about 5 minutes to warm up. A bit longer during the Winter months. You will know when the car can cruise on the traction battery.
Yes, also add an OCC while you're at it with the EGR system. Will also help prevent EGR clogging and HG failures.(y)
Maybe the dealer took it in as a trade in and then performed the J0V update.
Also add the EGR system will need cleaning ASAP. This is a major preventive maintenance item not covered in the owners manual. There are many...
C Can't say the same living in the North East. I think I have removed the under panel twice, and used the oil compartment door 15 times. Seeing...
Verified today, Walmart in Mass has 0W-16