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Drink Whiskey
tops only, please
DiamondLarry lives in the middle of nowhere. Few traffic lights, stops etc. Rural roads. That helps (not that I'd get his mpg's there either, but...
Well your tires will wear a little, that might help. I don't know about all this 'break in stuff'. I am new at this, too. I don't buy the 'break...
An EV switch/button might be helpful.... You can glide with ICE off earlier in the stages....
That would inaccurately capture the state of affairs. There is a reason Eskimos have many more words for snow than we do. Nuance. I second that.
One of my colleagues, she had 4 kids. She LIKED being on call. She slept better on call, so she said.
The ScanGauge simply reads data from your car via the OBD (Onboard Diagnostic System). It doesn't DO anything TO the car. The Scangauge helped...
I am not sure about the speed limit reference... You can be at any speed, whether you were cruising along at that speed or had just glided down...
3 weeks with car.
Hyosilver I don't think you adhered to this suggestion! I, too, would like some thought out opinions to a stimulating point, not extending logic...
1) I don't see why an environmental review would not be indicated. The point about idling and traffic, is frankly, despite the apparent 'quackdom...
He actually may, in all his zeal and weirdness, have a point, about idling and traffic.... never thought of that... of course, the idea is that...
This is a bit advertisey, corporate, no?
Dealer says ScanGauge ruined my PCM and I can't use ScanGauge anymore - Page 2 - CleanMPG Forums
the kingdom
et apres toi, moi
Yes, pulsing is acceleration basically. You can accelerate more slowly and try to get the mpg up, but it will be low. I am on my second tank:...
Okay, sorry, didn't mean any deep offense. Peace. jps000:yield: