Separate names with a comma.
Please try to find out if they've dropped the Navigation and Telephone lockout features; if not, can you ask if there's a programable work-around...
The console Aux jack definitely started with the 06 model.
I see from the latest option list the Safety Connect is a delayed introduction feature. Will the capability/hardware be installed on all 2010...
Definitely Faster; what else did I miss?
Yeah, me too for my 06'
Pre-order Deadline Extended Website? Help. What's the URL for the Pre-order website?
Thanks to the Great NAIAS photos from HTMLSpinnr, we got a peek at window stickers for three 2010 Prius “Pre-Order†packages. The Standard...
Feeling the same way; my 06 has 65,000 miles and showing no signs of wear.
I'll test dive it before I buy the 2010 Prius.
Danny, I'm interested in working through you on an invitation. I work in the same corporate park as Southeast Toyota; I'd love to get invited to...
With introduction of the HS-250h at the NAIAS just a few weeks away, you think we'd be seeing some quality 2010 Prius type shots by now. There...