Separate names with a comma.
All, In the last few years, my 2002 seems to have developed a mild case of BHS when starting the car on cold mornings. It kicks in at around...
Rodney, Thanks again for providing something special for us to do for out 22nd wedding anniversary. Hope to do it all again next year. :D :cheer2:
I would think far less than any conventional car, because none of the typical mechanical wear points, i.e. clutches, torque converters, etc. are...
We'll be there! :D :cheer2:
Okay... after doing more research, I understand that Entune is primarily a cloud/streaming environment, so is not pertinent to my question. I was...
All, My wife listens to audio books from on her iPhone. As of ios 5, there is now a dedicated Audible app to play back the content,...
All, During the last couple of weeks, I've noticed that when I'm driving my 2002 around a particular left-hand curve on the way to work, the...
10 years and still going strong... The Hybrid Twins! :D :cheer2:
I don't care how loud or soft this sound is... to me the sound itself is awful and grates on my nerves. :eek: If this nonsense goes into law,...
For comparison, my 2002 has about 89000 miles on it and will be 10 years old this November. I also still enjoy it just as much as the day I drove...
We just had ours done by Northridge Toyota. Mine took longer than hers (probably about 2 days, not sure because it was in having a scratched MFD...
Yesterday we saw a blue Leaf on the 405 heading north. It was chugging up the steep side of the Pass heading to the West Side and doing about...
This may be old news, but we've found that the 2.0 upgrade of the navigation DVD seems to perform worse in some ways than the original. As a...
Yes, in a manner of speaking. Nissan wrote an iPhone app that will alert you should this happen.
Would any of these Prii be in the San Fernando Vailey? And would they per chance be Blue Moon Pearl? If so, you've seen... The Hybrid Twins! :D...
Um, I think we're talking apples and oranges here. I was referring to the Nissan fuel-cell vehicle, not a plug-in hybrid with an ICE.
Agreed. I think there are a lot of folks out there who still don't appreciate the uniqueness of this power-train. :D
Agreed... and what REALLY gets my goat is that some of these same people say that acceleration with a CVT gives them a "slipping clutch" feel....
I drove one of these at the last Altcar Expo in Santa Monica. Acceleration was incredible... it wants to go RIGHT NOW! :D