Separate names with a comma.
Hopefully, Toyota won't go out of business any time soon. Besides, why does it matter who etched the glass as long as the VIN number is correct?
They included etching with the tint package and the tint package was done at cost, not retail, so I'm good with it.
The v5 we bought (pick up tomorrow) has vin etching. My sales guy did a dealer swap and the original dealer does this to all their cars. My...
We didn't compare it to the Prius sedan. It had a lot of backseat leg room but that was not our main concern as we rarely have passengers in the...
I always park my pickup truck WAY out on the edge of the parking lots. For one thing, the extra exercise won't hurt me. Last year I traded in a...
I have purchase a different car so this thread should be considered closed.
The only access we have to internet at our home wayout in the country is via our iPhone and MiFi. 6gs a month. I work from home so this is...
That's kinda what I figured. That would really do a number on your data plan, eh?
That would be me! I need to close out some threads.
Seat belt beep is not an issue. My bride and I don't even think about it. It's automatic to buckle up. And I make sure a guest is buckled...
After getting a couple of bids from area dealers today my own sales guy got approval to kick in their dealer money and met the challenge of...
Does Pandora come with the system? At what cost? Or are you using data from your phone plan?
I found a 2013 v5 about 300 miles away. About 500 miles on it and they are considering it to be used. Carmax report shows only two owners: the...
I wish I could sell our 'trade in' car outright but we live way out in the country. I don't want to park it in town every morning and have to...
One of you says 5% off, one says 12.5% off. That's a big difference. True car figures work out to sale price 95.9% of MSPR, or 4.1% discount....
He is showing me his 'invoice' price, which is anywhere from around $1500 to $2300 under the sticker price then adding, I think, 5% to give me his...
Any idea how much a dealer can still make on a car that is sold at dealer invoice? Considering dealer holdbacks or whatever they call it?
RJ, my dealer only has one v on the lot and it is a v3 with charcoal interior. We're not interested. So, my sales guy, who we know socially, is...
Very curious. Please post back when you solve the mystery. I'd really like to know. Cheers!
Sorry for posting so much but all of my questions do not relate to other threads. On one of the cars we're looking at, the "pre sale" report...