Separate names with a comma.
Fuely currently is reporting an average MPG rating of 52.6 for the 2016 Prius, but only 49.6 for the 2017 Prius. What? Is the 2017 value lower...
Oh, yes, well, there are a lot of things I didn't account for. I only spent about 15 minutes putting together that info. I should run the numbers...
Since the Ioniq Hybrid is direct competition with the 4G Prius, I'm interested in real-world MPG values for each. Using updated Fuely info - where...
I like how you added plastic bags as protection for your front-seat upholstery. I used to use a big clear plastic sheet I folded over the rear of...
I was planning on buying a 2017 this month, but with all the new standard safety features being soon added, I think I'll wait.
Would love to hear what kind of deals other folks are getting this month. From what I hear in the news, 2016/17 Prius is not selling well, so...
I wonder if there's any significant distortion looking back through the wavy rear glass.
Rather superficial review, but in this video the new body-style looked the nicest I've ever seen it represented. Maybe because of the mid-gray...
Wow. Used to love this Télépopmusik song - back in 2002. Is Toyota subtly thinking fondly back to the glories of its own past?
This site references that information. Gas mileage hasn't been officially announced, but Toyota is claiming 18% better fuel efficiency. 2016...
So, Atlas Genius was the band playing at the unveiling event?!? Their sound is certainly what the 4G Prius is hoping to exude - a young,...
Yes, I'm getting tired of waiting for the next-gen Prius. I'm hoping the new Chevy Volt will be for sale locally this summer, and possibly buy one.
I remember that my 2005 Prius had a short whirring noise when I shut it off, as some coolant fluid was moved around. But my 2010 Prius has been...
I just noticed the same thing this weekend -- the far-right side of the energy display, where the MPG and Odometer are, has sprouted a couple of...
Anybody have XM service for your Prius, and also an XM radio for your home? Did you have to buy two different subscriptions?
I'm guessing your blue pinstripe consists of two different rows of Scotchlite tape? What widths were they?
I assume you changed the JBL HU from a 2010 Prius III. Could the same JVC installation be done with a Prius II? I'm considering buying a Prius...
Has anyone else noticed that there doesn't seem to be as much Prius inventory as there was, say, just a month or two ago? I've been looking at the...
Yes, I agree with you. I think all new headrests are too far forward. My guess is that auto manufacturers want to minimize the chance of whiplash,...
Last night on The Office, there was a scene shot from the interior of Andy's Prius, where he and Pam were having a conversation. Looks like he...