Separate names with a comma.
Does the 3rd Gen Prius use all 11.9 gallons of gas or does it shut off before it bingos fuel? I know there are eight bars of fuel on the...
do I have all of the little arrows and their meanings correct though?
I seem to only be getting about 40ish MPG in the 250 miles ive driven so far. I live in Orange County, so is this to be my usual average?
I looked at that and down at the bottom it said somethng about consumption and then somthing else. I looked at mine, and I was only getting 5MPG?...
Can that only be read when your doing the actual driving or does it give u a chart after you are done driving? Cause im trying to look at the...
Same for me here too, when I hit the power button EVERYTHING shuts off, radio included, I then have to wade thru to get the radio back on. Wish...
Alright, a bit of clarification for my sake. What is ICE? Is that some acryonmym for the engine? On my power display, I see the wheels, the...
How can you tell what MPG you have gotten since you bought the car? Any way to do that electronically or do you have to keep track of it yourself?
Ha, thats true. Does III have the open roof ability?
Well I figured out how to get the main fuse box cover off, but how in the heck do you get to the terminals? I see a thing which could be a cover...
Thats kinda too bad I like knowing what other cars people are driving :)
So your saying I could use standard jumper cables onto battery hookups under the hood, or get a 12V adapter and plug it into the cig lighter in...
My question is how do you opt out of the continuation service? Do you have to agree to sign up for more service after the inital three months or...
Is there any way to tell what model type II-V the prius is from the outside? I have seen no roman numeral to determine what types of 2010s are on...
Maybe a dumb question but where do you hook up power leads to jumpstart the Prius? I have to assume this is possible, but I havent seen the leads...
But its the fact you know what it COULD do that is so obsessing awesome :)
Thats what I figured, but I remember as a kid my electric RC boats and the water they ran in did NOT mix well, and the Prius was a LOT more...
Bought my Prius IV and drove it off the lot here In Huntington Beach, CA on 8/ day of my very first car!
Samsung A437
I like that concept of a lead box, then u could put the FOB in the car and just use the mechanical key to get in and out of your car