Separate names with a comma.
Well lower prices either way may help get people interested.. so its acceptable press. Better than some that spin the incentive as another sign...
Yeah.. we have parking meters that you cannot "feed" without moving and alert meter maids when the cars are parked past time. I used to do...
Were you surpised that you were median.. did you think you were above or below? You were correct about comment and poor attempt at humor.. and I...
In the article you cite, the engineer clearly start by saying" optimize efficiency for all usages, and to retain the fuel efficiency when...
All curent Volts (and 2014 specs) are 3.3kW for L2 charging. So an hour is about 10-14 miles. At home I pay $.14 kWh on-peak and .10kWh offpeak...
Picking only one half the car's ability, weither battery size or MPG, is not meaningful for a PHEV. Cali wants to reduce emissions and gas usage...
What is your source of information for those claims? Can you provide a reference (other than your and John's posts here on prisuchat) that...
I read through the specs and the require driving strait to a constats speed, putting it in N and coasting. My question was about what "N" means...
Interesting post Bob, thanks! When you said it had signficantly lower drag I expected a bigger gap. I was already curious how these were defined...
Well off track but just correcting misinformation. Hmm so you are looking at worldwide sales starting in 2000, i.e. for years 4-6 of the prius...
Interesting, now if only the ultracap also reduced the weight of the lead.. From their site expected application of this seems to be for...
I wonder about the milage differece between the two models. It has already been observed that Volt drivers do more EV miles (and more miles in...
Since the Volt is a totally new car not surprising that there are a few more issues. But at true-delta it is the lowest service rate (highest...
30C is near ideal temps for LiIon -- more range fromt he battery with little risk to battery. Don't think a few days of even mid to upper 30's C...
Its all about the battery temperature. Air temp can get the battery hot, but so can heavy battery use. In generally best to charge when the...
Approximately. I recommend you aim for 30min or even a hour before you leave in case something comes up and you have to leave early. Most...
Actually I was ignoring the first years in Japan and only conisider the US sales of the Prius, since change markets is toomuch of a context shift:...
Telsa's making a profit mostly because they sell their EV credits to other manufactures as they don't sell other cars(see The other dealers are...