Separate names with a comma.
That is the problem...advice on such a unique product is hard to come by. A little more background, I am in the process of getting both a new...
Does anyone have any experience with the following product, which is not only a high efficiency water heater, but also can be used to heat up your...
Patrick, Can you post some screen shots of the web management tool? I'd like to see the granularity that a central inverter's management tool...
I bet you're excited! What kind of inverter technology did you go with?
Gasoline is not the only fuel we are underpaying for. Here in eastern Missouri, 80% of our electricity is generated by burning "cheap" coal....
Hill, The great irony of your post's title is that Edison, as in Thomas Edison, campaigned for the impractical DC electricity system. If he had...
Obviously, styling got better and many new features were added. What were the changes that seem the most significant to you?
Using thermal is more efficient than PV, but such facilities by their nature have to be some distance from the cities that consume the energy....
I said it bothers me to see SUVs driving around basically empty wasting gas. It doesn't bother me at all to see 80,000 tractor trailers. That's...
It always drives me nuts to see a big SUV go rolling down the road occuppied by only its driver. SUVs' abysmal MPG contributes to pollution and...
This is more of a theoretical discussion rather than a practical one. If a decade from now I need to replace a Sharp 235w panel or Enphase M190...
Hill, It may be hard for you to believe this, but some of us are not burdened with the problem you describe. :-O
Icarus, I read through the long thread that you were a big part of for the multi-string array installation for "Bill." If it weren't for you and...
In my mind, your desire to have one string, located in one somewhat constrained spot, having the large capacity you need...makes Sunpower a...
If you have a consistent panel orientation, including no shading issues, then a string inverter's fixed cost becomes its big advantage for large...
Disclosure: I installed Enphase micro-inverters on my PV array, which consists of two different facets. I think that it is ironic that your...
Bet she has some 'splaining to do.
Cacti, I was born and raised in upstate New York. We got lake effects snow all the time. I've seen it snow there in June. Seeing that you are from...
The picture is a bit misleading. The oak tree looks closer than it is. It's worse case shade, as measured by that bulbous instrument they use,...
Here's my viewable system, I just enabled it for public viewing a couple of minutes ago. Enphase hasn't gotten the panel ID's yet, so it will be...