Separate names with a comma.
If I went 62 on the interstates here in Nashville I'd get run over; average speed, even where the speed limit is 65, is about 75. I agree hat I...
So let me understand: they don't own a Prius, so they come on Prius user forums to tell us why *their* vehicle is better than a Prius? A Prius...
Why is a Volt driver trolling in the Prius forum? I don't drive a Volt, so I can't see any reason why I'd lurk there. Just curious.
It's less than a half-mile; usually the ICE comes on a little later, but this morning it came on while I glided to the light. I was in DRIVE and...
I use my iPhone for calls, an iPod that lives in my car for audio; the iPod stays tethered to the car, and works fine. If I unplug the iPod and...
I don't have a headsup display; on the console I watch the display that shows what mode I'm in (whether I'm using EV or ICE). This morning I...
Well, there *are* no less hilly routes; no matter how I head out of my neighborhood, I have to traverse hills. I've tried without A/C, but in ECO...
So please answer this for me: my understanding was that the PHEV has three batteries--the standard 12-volt that powers the stereo, nav, etc.; the...
I wish that would work for me; these aren't huge hills here, but almost every morning, the slightest incline will cause the ICE to kick in. I...
Yeah, but it would be intuitive, simple to use, and work properly. Here's the problem as I see it: the iPhone is an amazing and elegant...
My GPS seems to be behaving slightly differently than yours; when I set my GPS to guide me home (just for fun, of course), it gives me plenty of...
After trying ECO mode for a couple of days, driving the same <9 mile trip, I'm seeing the ICE kick in almost the same amount as when I drive in EV...
If I pull into a parking lot with an EV space, I'll use it to park and charge my PHEV. If I get there before a needy Leaf, there's nothing I can...
I really like my new PHEV, but I agree about visibioity with sunglasses on; I never had a problem with my 07 Prius, but in this car the main...
I was having my Gen II Prius serviced last winter, and asked the service manager if hey were going to be ready for the PHEV; he didn't even seem...
I'll give that a try; PWR mode definitely causes the ICE to kick in more often; it did it again for me this morning. I'll be curious to see if...
No, I haven't; can it be used alongside PWR mde, or is it either/or? Have you used it, and has it helped? I'd think it'd make the problem worse...
After driving my car in Nashville's hills for about 3 weeks, here's what I'm seeing: If I drive in EV-only, no PWR mode, I can almost make the...
I don't listen loud, but the bass end of the PHEV's base model is fine for me; I hype it a tiny bit, but nowhere near what some people seem to...
Guy's a knothead. Amazing. Last year, the service department at my local dealership here didn't even know a PHEV was coming out. Sadly,...