Separate names with a comma.
Probably the best place I know to post this. Anyways, I was just curios about who I would have to contact to, and more or less what I'd need to...
It kills my MPG n stop and go traffic. Seriously, from about 65 MPG to 30 MPG at best. I don't use the highway though. One, because I don't like...
Well here in GA it's been over 90F almost everyday. I can understand why some of you don't get great mileage when it's hot, the AC, but without...
Well, mine was supposedly left sitting in a garage for 2 years, and it's still working like a charm.
Yea, but I wonder how we missed that. Guess we couldn't lift up my car enough. Hard to find it when you can't lift up the front, but I think I can...
Ok, I've tried looking for it on my 2002 Prius, but I can't seem to find it, where is it located?
Yea, we don't use the AC. The AC literally kills the mileage man. I go from averaging 65 a tank without AC, to like 35 with AC.
Jee, I wonder why they use less income on gas? Don't they make more money and not have as far to commute?
I think if they really wanted to get people to drive cars less that they should make the entire highway HOV (maybe 1-2 non HOV lanes), cept for...
Sweet, not I get to go against the Vatican twice. I here on Earth to follow my own rules on what is right and wrong, not to follow someone else's...
Dude, that's actual under the national average.
Say, can I get those in a Prius size? I know you say they are discontinued, but I don't know of any equivalent. I was basically at the mercy of my...
What the heck have you been doing to get over 1000 miles in 4 days? Even when I was a delivery person I didn't drive that much. Before I got my...
I got a quick question. Does the 2002 model Prius have a bladder? I was under the impression that all of them do, but after putting in over 11...
You're not the only one to nearly get sideswiped recently. In fact, just 2 days ago I nearly got sideswiped. I had just crossed an intersection...
I got my 2002 Prius used and it was supposedly sitting in a garage for 2 years. At that time I didn't know that the battery was suppoed to be...
You do know that taking two tanks to do it doesn't count right? Anyways, GL to you. It's too hilly around here to P&G. I'd be in P for .5 miles...
You sure you aren't just thinking of the old diesel engines and not the new clean diesel ones? It could be that diesel already has a ton of...
We got 3 in our neighborhood, and we only got like 50 houses or so.
LOL, so the extended warranty isn't really extended is it?