Separate names with a comma.
To her, it is the car on her left side.
What is the Date and Version # after the update?
During the process of windows tinting, they keep the car running because they need to open partially/close the windows from time to time. I don't...
My theory about possible damaged thumb drive is when the head unit is trying to read the thumb drive and is having problem, it will try again and...
What is the highest number your volume can reach?
If the audio source is BlueTooth or Entune Apps like Pandora, you can raise the volume with the volume control on your phone. I have no idea if...
Wonder if this is the main reason why you have estimated lower range
I would try another thumb drive to be sure the problem is not caused by the current USB thumb drive.
Which audio source?
I guess Toyota consider it is safe to press just once to answer the question while driving. Just like you press the Temperature Up or Down button...
Do you power on your car if you are not going to drive?
No need to reverse it, next time the message comes on, the DEFAULT is "NO". The message only comes on when the temperature of your traction...
I would love to have the camera integrated in the shark fin antenna
The camera mount seems so big
The HUD can display the speed limit also
You mean survival or prolong suffering but still frozen after all.
A heater running on 12v, how long will that last?
That's a big plus to be able to shower at work, not many are so lucky.
You missed the words "biking to work" which is a daily routine, not your fun ride with some bike club buddies
You are stranded because you run out of battery, how do you keep the heater on?