Separate names with a comma.
My Prius c4 blows away any car I've ever driven. Driving is fun. It's a game of balancing trying for mileage, being considerate of other drivers,...
I think you're referring to the power zone. It's okay to go into the power zone during break in. In fact, if you have to go up a steep hill from a...
Oops! I didn't realize we were referencing the same web page. I remember how excited I was about B mode when I first got my car. Learning what...
B does not do what you would intuitively think. There are other threads on this board that cover it. Here is one of them: B under the D in the...
If you were driving a junker, I would appreciate your humor. However, I am proud to drive my Prius, and I wouldn't dream of removing its badge...
Just give yourself some flexibility on dates because you could catch some serious delays due to snow, especially in the mountains. Carrying chains...
It was the first really cold day since I got my car--40 degrees F. outside. I hit the Auto button and bumped the temperature up to 78 degrees. The...
I use ECO mode around town and appreciate the feel it gives for throttle control. However, for lengthy freeway driving I turn it off, especially...
I had the same issue except it was inconsistent. One time it would work and the next time there would be no volume. I haven't tried it since.
So, I'm driving down the road today and I see this bumper sticker on the back of an old beat up Toyota: "My other car is a '76 Pinto."
I am really feeling old now! Obviously, many people here don't know that the Pinto had a reputation for exploding when rear ended, thus my earlier...
The Pinto had such a horrible reputation at the end, there is no chance Ford would want to resurrect it. So, tell us: what is it really?
Hey, I loved my Pinto so much that I got another one after the first one exploded. Okay, the first one didn't really explode, but my first two...
My first car many years ago was a Pinto. You, on the other hand, have set the bar really high for future cars! Where do go after finding...
When I went to the dealer, I told them I wanted a Four in Blue Streak Metallic and it was the only color (and trim) I was interested in. However,...
I love my Prius c. When I took my Colorado to California trip, I found the seat very comfortable. I didn’t find myself shifting around trying to...
At a new owners' celebration, my local Toyota dealer gave everyone a bottle of ZMAX Micro-lubricant as a gift. Has anyone used this with their...
Yeah, once I made the decision to "someday" buy a Prius c, "someday" got here in a hurry.
I think a Prius c would be perfect! The distance, the speeds, and the even the hill(s) will add up to great mileage for you. Also, if you like to...
I'd say that's terrific. I look at it this way. Auto-EV mode is like cashing your mileage paycheck that you earned by driving a hybrid vehicle.