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Strange you believe surface thermometers which give Gavin Schmidt hot readings in Africa where no thermometers even report.Yet those regions are...
5 )Climate change is real but there is no proof that CO2 has anything much to do with it. 6) The Sun has recently gone into a state of minimal...
WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!! But very unlikely our death will be due to global warming. Much more likely to die from not being able to afford the...
Is CO2 a "Well mixed gas?" I dont see any evidence of that. But you might try to prove it.
So in other words there is no satellite measurement of 400 ppm CO2 at Antarctica.
Really, you have a more currant image ? Then produce it.Or STFU Not that I think it will have any meaningful information. But thats probably par...
Satellites sure dont show 400 PPM .Nor do they show CO2 being a well mixed gas.Maybe the CO2 sensor in Antarctica is next to the diesel...
Youve repeated yet another in a huge poop pile of climate science inaccuracies. Co2 is not well mixed in the Earths atmosphere.Its a pure...
Dumbest climate science ever.The nonexistant daylight is warming the Arctic? "The darkest time of year at the North Pole is the Winter Solstice,...
Final Christmas Of The Global Warming Fraud | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog "The Arctic is extremely cold, but there is a very narrow band...
The Sun has entered a quiet period of zero sunspots.Its predicted to last for the next 30+ years. The last time the Sun was in this state was...
The Earth has been warmer than today for most of the past 10,000 years.Think about that. Is a rise in current temperatures going to lead to...
As much as I abhor Donald Trump ,I welcome the end of fake science from NASA NOAA GISS. I fear that when people realize how the world has been...
The thing blocking Thorium in the USA is purely political. Knowing that Tom Steyer controls the Dem party makes me wonder if his ilk thinks they...
The solution to pollution and solving the CO2 non-problem both is to use money from fake climate science and redirect it to developing a Thorium...
Bob Wilson is completely delusional.All of the climate models predicting temperature rises due to CO2 increase have been wrong for their initial...
Latest study from NASA says Antarctica land ice has been growing for the past few decades.In the past few years sea ice in the Antarctic has been...
Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI