Separate names with a comma.
Sorry, didn't notice it was embedded in the quote. Thanks. I'll take your word for it that your mileage was the same regardless but I have to...
Are you able to address my first 2 questions? PA Prius, for my trip I have been considering a setup similar to what you describe. Basically set...
This thread really hits home because I was planning on using the exact same setup (that looks like a Space Cadet, right?) on a trip to NC this...
John's Site has a great page showing all the colors broken down by year. Unfortunately I'm not smart enough to hotlink to hotlink to the exact...
I'm not so optimistic. There are still a LOT of 'mercinz who will give up there F350 when you pry the steering wheel out of their cold dead (and...
I know we all love our Prius and would encourage almost anybody to buy one but I am happy to see somebody making the argument. For us we needed a...
No, definitely not OEM. I can forgive somebody for wanting to paint their car a distinctive or unusual color but those orange trim rings are...
Sounds perilous.
Interesting, thanks for the link. It looks like other than Boston we have the most new Hybrids here in Newton. Next would be Cambridge which is...
This comes up often. I might recommend a forum search. I think you will find Yakima Q-Tower system is the most popular.
As far as the car itself goes, 2004-'08 the cars are all the same generation. The packages change a bit from year to year and there were a few...
Linky Yeah but I'm happy they are taking a step to de-uglify it a bit. The front pillar forward is by far the ugliest part of the car. It is...
I always thought the server ran slow to improve mileage.
A couple of months ago I took my boss for a ride at his request. He's a Lexus guy so I figured he might be underwhelmed. Long story short, he now...
It's all don't on the lift by computer now. Easily done by rolling the tires <1mi I agree. It could also be they just don't have a charge code...
Safety ratings are very easy to find with a simple Google search. You also shouldn't judge safety solely on crash test ratings. A...
I don't know why the title of this thread makes me giggle. It sounds like the name of a NASCAR driver. "Rusty Hitch just fell into ninth place...
I'm not sure what changes xsmatt81 is referring to but '09 is a carryover year. There might be some tweaks but will not be a new generation.
That's a Britax Roundabout and it is indeed pretty big but the Marathon is even bigger. My 2 yr old is huge and has almost outgrown it and I'll be...
Glad those pics helped. I thought I would pile on 1 more to show that even with the monster stroller there is still plenty of space for the daily...