Separate names with a comma.
Post a link or provide more info. Jim
HV interlock for HV maintenance only. Don't yank it if you do you will loose all HV circuits. To Reset slide to right to lock position restart...
If you replace the HU The BT will have to be replaced Ths is the HU I installed with the BT adapter. Regards, Jim...
Congrats, Great Job, Great Writeup, Great Pictures Some Comments: Double check your antenna connection. I have great AM and FM reception with the...
Suggestion Mount the GPS on top of the HU Check the reception and satellites received and navigation. If all is well then enjoy your ride and save...
That's a good idea I thought i seen some billet grills at the local Pepboys. Looked like they where DIY installs.
BTW PACTATO is behind the HU and SWC is stuffed in the center consol. Jim
1. You have enough room to fit the HU and all the stuff Just take your time and do a trial run for a good fit. Then cable wrap as required. Plan...
Gray Kit Enjoy Jim
Thanks for the input and post pics. Regards, Jim
I have the NX7000 with the Tato and it works great with the JBL amp It will drive all speakers and sounds great. Suggest you keep the amp. and...
Replace it with a new HU (JVC, Kenwood, Pioneer) You can get a complete unit including Bluetooth ,Ipod, DVD and Nav for less than $1000 Check this...
Model III is the JBL system or do you have a Model II? Jim
I replaced the JBL HU (Not JBL amp) with a JVC HU which included a JVC Bluetooth adapter. I dont think the JBL amp controls the OEM HU but I do...
For what it's worth. Got mine today Jim
Really not flat black. Very good match to existing trim Jim
Congrats Jim
My JVC reverse wire (Light Green) is connected to ground. I do not have a vss wire. Jim
Do you have a PIII with JBL? If so you need the PACTATO If the vehicle is equipped with a JBL system the PAC TATO or Peripheral TJA is required....
Slow charge is OK no more than 4 amps per owners manual. Jim