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Did you crank up the volume on the HU???? to see it corrects the problem. Regards, Jim
Products (ClarionMiND) | Clarion MyClarion If you really want to be distracted add this puppy. Jim
YES and that's my final answer...... Jim
I had the AM reception problem with my JVCNX7000 AM was working great then one day no AM just random noise and very weak reception. FM was still...
XM Mini-Tuner Satellite Radio Tuner reviews - CNET Reviews Check this link. I have the mini tuner connected to my JVC HU. It should plug in to...
Just took my 2010 in for the 5K oil change I have the maint program and they replaced the oil filter, rotated the tires and added 1 quart of syn...
FYI all Prius cars are made in Japan. Best Regards. Jim
Great comments...Now just add a sub-woffer to your cargo bin. Jim
It's your call. The JVC can be installed in any level you buy. I installed mine in the III as it included the JBL system. Check my posts under...
Go to PEP boys or any automotive store and buy a black steering wheel cover of your choice. I bought the $9 simulated leather. Cut the steering...
I just did the same test. Start, Turn headlights on, Stop (Ignition Off) Open the door slide hand across door handle and door locks and lights go...
Just seen your latest post. Looks like your HU is at fault or your antenna is not fully connectrd. Jim
Roff, Can't really understan reception problem especially in so cal. Should work just fine with the Pioneer. Hell a coat hanger would probally...
I have the mini XM module connected to my JVCNX7000. The mini is in the glove box and the antenna is on the dash. Jim
I have no idea of what Prius you are driving..Just step on the gas and it will go you don't need a bumper sticker.
BTW I ordered the Black Poly carpet Jim
What the heck... bought one myself Good price. Will post pics. Jim
I agree and I don't even want one
Yes it was I got my sub cable snagged on this while I was installing the sub. Called Toyota and was ready to have the car towed until I double...