Separate names with a comma.
I went for the generic.. We'll see how it goes
Lol sorry everyone... I should have been clearer in my post.. What I'm looking for are the heating pads you actually install into your seat by...
Actually that first reply is more of what I'm talking about, pads to place under the seat where you wire the switches in... Seems sort of...
So it's that time again... Time to consider adding aftermarket seat heat... Does anyone have any current recommendations on a quality product that...
I'm curious if anyone here uses a Bluetooth ODBII dongle, and if so if you leave it plugged in? I have an app I'm curious to play with but...
Oh... as far as the charger.. it's a smart charger and does 3A, 5A, 20A, and 70A charging... I guess I need to bring it with me along with an...
Already have a multimeter, also have an ODB II reader, etc... Ty
It monitors ignition state and door lights to automatically arm, though I arm with a remote so it locks the doors. They just told me the battery...
The alarm is passive and arms automatically, a car alarm is going to have the same load regardless if it's armed or not. I've had the alarm since...
Thanks for the quick replies. I actually use this car every day, it has 32K on it in just 15 months so idle time isn't the issue.. I'm not quite...
I have the Directed SmartStart / Viper car alarm in my car and a few times in my life it has alerted me that my car battery was low... When I...
For some reason mine keeps telling me my savings when I shut off rather than cost, this happened once before and I thought it was because I...
I worked in the Deer Park (North Bab) location for a week to cover someone's vacation back in 1991
I forget, I'll see if I can dig up my notes where I wrote it down. I still have the fuzzy issue, it seems that the pis great in daylight but a...
On my previous cars that I purchased them, and always used them... My last car I needed a new engine, so that's why I'm scared about this car. I'm...
Due to my lengthy daily commute to work I've put 30,000 miles on my Prius Persona in just a year. I only have a few miles left to purchase the...
Agreed.. When I was younger (early 20's) and someone tailgated me I would either slam the breaks or gradually slow down to make them pass me......
I drive from exit 64 to 34 and reverse every day.. The AM westbound commute is always shorter than the eastbound return trip. In the AM I save...
Arnesto, Yes, you can replace the stock stereo with an aftermarket and retain the steering wheel controls. I replaced my Entune unit with a...
I'm not talking about how hot it gets, I'm talking about shoving a plastic sheet under the Softex and what that will do to the feel of the seat....