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Urban Dictionary: nm if it's been posted....nm
let us know how many times the bottles fall out when going around corners.
we should make China the 51st state
how about taping it on the inside of the vertical hatch window? if you don't like it there you can easily move it.
those of you on facebook should give them hell! I HATE PRIUS DRIVERS | Facebook
Wrecked Exotic Cars - Pictures of Expensive Car Crashes and Wrecks
it's been noted that, on rare occasions, Norway can extend the term when the 21 years is almost up
you should cite sources i found this one on rape note! this is not a "perfect" study, it has flaws and it's author admits it Islam in...
Norway there "way of life" is threatened Immigration to Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
maybe we should just give the blind an underground world of their own where there are no vehicles
how about the big picture... the worlds leaders know we are running out of fossil fuels so the make up as much as they can to get people to...
^^^^you need a "hell" in your religion otherwise there will be anarchy
you'll like this video is good Chrysler UAW workers caught getting drunk, high – again [Video]
illegal aliens are...illegal they should have no rights if they are here illegally, no matter where they come from. otherwise our laws are...
i always thought the story about Job was about true believers vs. believers that only belive in GOD to get material things. Job proved his...
it's the begining of an "active" self preservation for a culture, by fringe group, which can turn into a cry for nationalism
i understand why he did what he did but, not approving. just as i can understand why somebody goes to work 40hrs a week to feed his family....