Separate names with a comma.
Or do what I did and buy folding bikes and put them inside... I got a Brompton.
The easy way would be just to put a piece of black electrical tape over that part of the display... that would be easy for the passenger one.. the...
I had mine changed last month at 50 Mm. I had to talk them into it because they said it never needed changing. They charged me $91 Canadian, and...
They still weren't offering leather in any package in Canada when I ordered my 2009.
Ah, so that's why they overfill. :)
Notice that those on the web site jk pointed at aren't new but refurbished, fwiw.
Well, the part on the grill does as long as it stays there... please do not drive around with snow hiding your headlights and signal lights... i...
Since I (and others here) are quite interested in what's going on in the car, I would have liked another screen possibility for the display (in...
Wow... Who would even consider buying a new battery to put in a car that already has 700 Mm on it. It must have still been in really good shape...
Or you can. . you know... Car Pool. (oh no!)
I've got them and they seem to work fine. ( I, of course, have halogens and DRLs being also in Canada, so the auto just goes back and forth from...
And by the way... the car has a target for the big battery of 2 blue bars.. not full. That way it has some headroom to regenerate from a future...
It occurs to me that if we have a bit of difficulty getting enough heat from our efficient little engines, how the hell are they going to supply...
That will depend more on the tires than the car I would think.
I try not to use the battery at all to avoid conversion losses, so I get onto the ice right away. I do a pulse (2000 rpm) and super highway mode...
And new tires won't get the best mileage until they've been broken in.
hmmm. .mine doesn't do that. I thought it would light up the dash if the cap wasn't sealed.
I wonder if you can do to these little batteries what I used to do on very cold mornings if the battery couldn't quite start the engine... I...
My dealer tried to talk me out of it last week saying it never needed to be changed. They did it for $91 CAN plus tax. Usually our prices are...
I bought mine new with the useless map button. None of the other gps buttons are around the mfd, just the map button on the wheel.