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Toyota LED Map Dome Lights, HID Conversion Kit, Camry Corolla Matrix MR-S Sorry wrong link....This link should provide you with the bulbs I...
Toyota Prius 2010+ ZVW30 Exterior Accessories :: Sigma Automotive right there is where I got mine. You can order them else where and probably for...
I love it how he goes into super saiyan mode at 1:45...hehe :D Also a moulding remover tool is handy instead of credit cards or some other...
Did some work tonight...Loving it can't wait to start on the dash. Just waiting for the led's to come in. :-) Also if your curious where the...
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Byron I installed my E-Z Pass right behind the rear view mirror on the passenger side. I used the double sided tape that came with my Green E-Z...
The biggest and best site is Toyota's You are able to download everything for your car you could ever need. It took...
I wonder if Toyota will come out with a say...5 yr or 10 yr subscription for Nav updates??? It really isn't cool how the update is $150+
I love my baby girl. She has yet to disappoint me while I cruise the turnpike. The only disappointment is my rims and curbs!!!!! In one day I...
I like being able to control the wipers and headlights on my Prius. I love being able to turn off the wipers while sitting at a traffic light....
After some time and know how, I was able to take apart the dash. I see the type of LED's that light every button on the dash. My problem now is...
Did the dealership quote you on a price for the update?
Guess I'll have to wait until I return back to San Diego. He wouldn't be will to share some insight on how he preformed the swap?
IMG 4599
I saw your post on changing the instrument panel leds...I really want to do that as well and wanted to know how to changed the leds over?? Thanks...
How are you able to change the led color on the instrument panel? I can only assume its a swap of a few leds???