Separate names with a comma.
I am hoping 10 - 15 years, but I have a habit of getting rid of cars after about 3 years. Ask me again this winter.
Honest questions here.... How is produce, especially organic produce, vegan? My understanding is organic produce uses manure and bone meal as...
I want to start a pool.... when a vegan responds to this question, how many words will there be before "alkaline" is inserted?
There is a part of me that is glad the dealership is such a PITA. I would go through cars much faster if I could just pick one off the shelf and...
Be careful! @whovian10 lost 10% mpg and I'm pretty sure in the other thread we determined it was due to Dunkin' Donuts.
Honest question I probably shouldn't ask because it will derail the entire thread...... Why have a gun on your hip if it's not loaded?
serious..... but now I'm wondering if you were....
I thought the green caps were to indicate that you have Nitrogen in your tires rather than just air. That way some guy at jiffy lube or whatever...
I bet the number of homes they sell these days is way down as well
Just don't land in the vegan's soup or you'll ruin his dinner
Too many doughnuts?
Very interesting.... I love that someone thought nailing them down was the best idea at one point. up here they're playing with solar powered LED...
Interesting..... What keeps the snow plows from ripping them out of the ground?
We found the vegan!! :D:D:D I would agree with all of that. You have a very good point. I would like to counter with "but they're tasty." My...
I explained to one of my cousins that I had a thing against Venezuelans and was trying to destabilize that country. So far I've been pretty...
I actually wanted a white Prius. The dealer didn't have one without the white interior though and the wife vetoed it anyways. I never had a white...
I had the strangest conversation yesterday and is the first real attack on my ownership of a Prius. My friends and family give me grief for it but...
Are you talking those little flappy stand up plastic reflectors they put down as lane markers? [IMG] They make a flapping sound when you drive...
First Prius I test drove had the white interior. I really liked how it looked and thought it was different and maybe it'd help keep the interior...
The prius is terribly loud at speed from road noise. I bought my Prius in summer so I haven't had a direct comparison yet but I think once I get...